Southern Highlands Residents Break Holiday Tradition Record

Christmas Tree Recycling Program is Gift That Keeps on Giving

Southern Highlands residents have consistently demonstrated a deeply rooted love for trees and green spaces as evidenced by the lush landscaping that Par 3 maintains throughout the community. This year, residents showed just how much they genuinely care about going green and recycled their Christmas trees in record number.

The Southern Highlands Christmas tree drop-off site, facilitated by Par 3 Landscaping Management and located at the Southern Highlands Corporate Center, received a record 1,200 trees this holiday season.

“It’s always been our goal to make Southern Highlands the most beautiful HOA in the valley,” said Daryl Miller of Par 3. “It’s also wonderful to be able to have positive impacts on the community as a whole, through managing water usage, community activities, and tree recycling.”

An annual tradition citywide, the tree recycling program is orchestrated in tandem with The Christmas Tree Recycling Committee, made up of a number of community partners including UNLV and Springs Preserve. The free program ensures that instead of going into our local landfills, the evergreen trees are recycled into mulch, and the mulch is put to good use in public parks and gardens to help conserve soil moisture and keep plants healthy. Southern Highlands residents know that by recycling their tree, they are giving a gift that keeps on giving back to the community.

“We know our residents care deeply about sustainability,” said Michelle Brody of Olympia Management Services. “We see their generosity and commitment to the community time and time again and especially during the holiday season.”

For more information about the valley wide program, visit the Springs Preserve website.

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